Friday, 28 August 2009

Squirrel Capers.........

Awwwww.....How cute you may be thinking.............
Would you still be thinking this is you had them running riot in your loft? Having little squirrel get-togethers at 6am every morning??
Thought not!
This is my problem at this moment in time.I have been hearing the stangest of noises almost every early morning........a kind of scrabbling and jumping sound....not the scratching you may liken with rats or mice etc.
Well after many months of it driving me insane I decided to call the Landlords Pest Control team out......
He looked...they hid.....
He set traps....they avoided them.......
These are very clever beasts.........
But we know its definately squirrels as he caught a quick sighting of one.
We are wondering why they are getting into the loft space as there is no food etc there.
Seems the cheeky wotsits have been helping themselves to chunks of loft insulation...most probably for their dreys or nest like structures they build to raise young in and hibernate in.
So not only are they breaking in....they are stealing as well!

Personally I'm not that bothered if they catch them or not.......I'm just glad its squirrels and not rats!
Have great weekend people.

Thursday, 20 August 2009

In Memory of Johnjoe

Todays post is for my best friend in the whole world Julie.
Tonight at 7.30pm she faces the awful task of watching one of her beloved greyhounds Johnjoe be put to sleep.
I have known Julie most of my life...from the age of 11 and we have stuck together through thick and thin...through all the heartaches and through all the happy times like the birth of our children etc.
Johnjoe is one of 5 greyhounds she has at home...all retired racers. And i think Im right in saying he's one of her favourites.
Greyhounds are such gentle dogs...they hardly bark and are so easy to handle.
There are so many of them sitting in retirement kennels awaiting a home and they are the lucky ones..many end up being put to sleep or thrown out etc by owners and trainers who no longer can make money out of them.
My thoughts will be with her tonight when she has to do that one thing I hope never to have to do.........

Monday, 10 August 2009

A diversion.....

Isn't it strange that even when in the deepest of sorrow and despair over something like a break-up or death we ,as human beings can always be snapped out of it...even for a few moments over someone elses misfortune?....

There i was wallowing in my own misery and looking at holiday snaps of us together...tears pouring down my face.....when.....a loud smashing noise was heard from outside and car alarms blaring!
After rushing to the window to see what was happening it became apparent that the local "hooded hooligans" were on the rampage. Quite happily smashing someones car windows in with a bat! Of course they saw me and others and ran. I think that they had a bit of a grudge against the poor person whos car they trashed. I hope they are insured because every single window was broken!
Anyway this brings me back to my original point.......for those few moments I had completely forgot about my own sorrowful being. I didnt get any joy or enjoyment from what I saw and I feel so sorry for the family whos car it is but............for those few moments I forgot.....and selfish as it may sound I am glad of that diversion.

By the way the picture at the top is another of Joshua's snazzy arty pics.....I think that boy has some talent!

Hoping all my new found friends stay safe.

Sunday, 9 August 2009

An Ending

Today is a very sad day and to be honest I dont know when I will be back to my happy self. My partner Andy and I decided to end our relationship yesterday.Things have not been right for a long time and it had to happen.
He says I deserve better and I need a partner who can give me what I need and want.
Even though its a joint decision and as amicable as it can be it hurts like hell.

So I hope I can come back soon with something better to say.

Friday, 7 August 2009

Imperial War Museum

Today I have been rummaging through the computer looking for some good pictures to post to this blog.
So today I am taking you to The Imperial War Museum in South East London. Its free to get in and a fantastic place for kids...especially boys.They are more "children friendly" here and the kids can touch and even climb on some things.
Here is Joshua doing the "thumbs up"....these pics I must point out were taken back in the winter..hence the big heavy coat.

There were several pictures of tanks etc thanks to Josh and his photographic skills so I just picked out a few.

This statue is of a small child.Its in a rather sad part of the museum dedicated to the "Childrens War"...... It must have been very terrifying to be taken from your parents and sent away during war time.

Some original wartime toys.

And to finish an overall picture of the museum.All in all a very good day out.
For those of you who read this blog and are planning on visiting London I urge you to visit all the museums if possible...they are all free and well worth a look...especially on a cold winter day.

Thursday, 6 August 2009

More of Joshua's Pics

I think every child should be given the chance to take photos etc...its a great thing for them..especially when they know they are going to be published in a blog!
These fantastic stone eagles are on a garden wall just 10 mins from where we live but I have never noticed them before.

One of the wonderful very large expensive houses in this part of London...........I can dream!!

I think Joshua has an eye for colour.......

Some beautiful pink roses to end this post.
I will return soon with hopefully something witty and insightful to blog about.

Saturday, 1 August 2009

Pics I promised yesterday...

These are just some pictures my son Joshua took on a walk to our local supermarket. There is such a contrast in London...of the new and old.....and the concrete and greenery.

Peckham is not often thought of as lush and green....but it is....
Bamboo is flourishing.........
Are we in London? Or abroad somewhere?
Tropical plants seem to be blooming everywhere.....

Hope you like the pics.....more to come once I have worked out how to get them in order etc properly!


Friday, 31 July 2009

Simple Pleasures

I have taken some pictures yesterday of things my son and I saw in a simple walk to the supermarket.....I will post them tomorrow when the computer allows me to upload them....
I have called this post "Simple Pleasures" as that seems to be the way i like living my life at the moment. Just taking a moment and taking everything in...things I wouldnt normally notice.
The plants and houses and things we noticed yesterday in our short walk was amazing.
I have also discovered i love walking in the rain and i have decided a pair of wellies is definately on my to buy list!
This rain lately then the intense sun we seem to get straight after makes everything so bright and alive.
I have also just recieved a text message from Andy (he has gone to visit his teenage daughter)....he says "suns shining and we're sitting on the swings in the we used to when she was little".......I think thats beautiful that hes connecting in that way with her and himself....and me.
Enjoy the simple things in life....wherever you are and whatever your doing this weekend.

Wednesday, 29 July 2009

Rainy Night

I have decided to blog about life in London and all it brings. Some good,some bad.
You will have to forgive me if I start to rant........there are many things Im finding annoy me these days as Im getting older.
Well its a rainy night in London.......been raining on and off all day.
Im in one of those reflective moods. You know the type where you just sit and re-evaluate your life? I guess life could be better...hell I know it could....but there again it could be worse...and has been in the past.
We have had some drama today with the local police swarming around...... Some people may be shocked by this and the constant wailing of sirens but I guess Im kind of conditioned to it now having lived here all my life.
This is just an opening blog I hasten to add and I will try to post something insightful each day.....some days it may just be me moaning though about the kids or the price of things!
I hope someone reads this.......Or else Im really just talking to myself!